Monomoy Regional Education Association    Bylaws- FINAL DRAFT 10/1/11

Mission Statement
Section 1. To promote within the professional groups and the field of education the highest type of professional practice; to encourage active participation of school staff in the solution of school problems; to urge every member of the profession to be a progressive student of education and to arouse allegiance to a genuine spirit of professional ethics.
Section 2. To aid in securing and maintaining adequate salaries and benefits, professional status, sound retirement systems, and other improvements in conditions as well as enable staff to function properly as a vital factor in educational progress.
Section 3. To promote, encourage, and assist other local organizations concerned with education and to promote cooperation among such organizations and the members thereof.
Section 4. To cooperate with parent-teacher associations and other civic bodies having educational objectives, and to aid in interpreting to the public the functions and the steady progress of the public school.
Section 5. To encourage staff to exercise their rights and privileges as citizens.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Monomoy Regional Education Association, herein after referred as the "Association".
Article II: Membership
Section 1. Membership shall consist of active members who pay yearly dues to the Association and affiliated associations in the Monomoy Regional School district.
Section 2. The Association shall affiliate with the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the National Education Association.
Article III: Officers
Section 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, up to six (6) Vice President(s) (one from each building), Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. There shall be an Executive Board consisting of those officers plus building representatives from each building.  The building representatives are to be elected by the staff of each building.  The past president shall serve ex-officio to the Executive Board.
Section 3. A member can only hold one Officer Position at a time.
Article IV: Duties and Terms of Officers
Section 1. All officers shall begin their terms on the first day of July and serve for one year.  In the case of a vacancy in an office, it shall be filled by action of the Executive Board, excepting the office of president, and the person so chosen shall serve only to the end of the un-expired term.  Section 2. The President
1.    Shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership, and shall be an ex officio member of all committees.
2.    Shall appoint chairmen and members of standing committees and special committees.
3.    Shall serve as a delegate to the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) Annual Meeting.  If the President is unable to attend, an alternate delegate will be selected.
4.    May serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive one year terms.
5.    Shall meet on a monthly basis with the Superintendent of Schools and/or the chairperson of the school committee for the expressed purpose of keeping lines of communication open between the Association and the school administration.
6.    Shall act as liaison to the Web Administrator.
Section 3. The Vice-President
1.    Shall assume all duties of the President in the absence or resignation of the President.
2.    If a Vice-President has to take over for the President, it will be the senior vice-president who is currently holding office on the Executive Board until there is a vote of the Association.
3.    May meet on a monthly basis with the Superintendent of Schools and/or the chairperson of the school committee for the expressed purpose of keeping lines of communication open between the Association and the school administration.
4.    May chair committees as directed by the President, including grievance.
5.    Shall act as liaison to the Web Administrator.
Section 4. The Secretary
1.    Shall record and maintain separate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership meetings.
2.    Shall maintain official files, and shall assist the President with the Association correspondence.
3.    Shall act as liaison to the Web Administrator.
Section 5. The Treasurer
1.    Shall hold the funds of the Association and disperse them in accordance with good accounting practice
2.    Shall transmit amounts to the MTA.
3.    Shall report to each meeting of the membership
4.    Shall prepare an annual fiscal statement for publication to members as directed by the Executive Board.
5.    Shall be bonded by the Association.
6.    Shall act as liaison to the Web Administrator.
Article V: Duties of the Executive Board
Section 1. Upon the Executive Board shall rest the duties, responsibilities, and final authority for the conduct of the Association in all matters except as stated otherwise in the bylaws, provided that they may at any time refer any matter to the entire membership for general consideration with the Executive Board prescribing the manner of voting thereon.
Section 2. The Executive Board by a majority vote shall authorize the spending of money received from dues or contributions.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall establish committees and create policies to given committees.
Section 4. Whenever a majority of the Executive Board shall agree that an officer is incapacitated or has been grossly negligent in his or her duties, it shall recommend immediately to the general membership that the office be declared vacant.  If the membership so votes by two-thirds (2/3) of those present and voting, a replacement shall be voted on to fill the unexpired term. 
Article VI: Building Representatives
Section 1. In each building, staff members who are members in good standing shall elect representatives for the building in each unit.  There shall be at least one representative from each building. 
Section 2.  Building representatives shall attend regular meetings of the general membership and executive board unless they are excused by the President.  After two unexcused absences, the President may declare the seat vacant and call for an election to fill the remainder of the term.  The stipend will be prorated to reflect time of service.
Section 3. It is the duty of the representatives to distribute Association communications to the members in their buildings, for keeping members informed, and for being liaison between the Executive Board and active members in their buildings.
Article VII: Appointed Positions
The Executive Board will fill these positions as necessary.
Section 1. Website Administrator
1.    Builds, maintains, updates the Monomoy Regional Education Association website.
2.    Notifies the Executive Board of all executive meetings and pertinent information.
3.    Creates and maintains email list of MREA members.
4.    Maintains and assigns email for all MREA members.
5.    Sends updates of significant information via email to membership.
Section 2. The Membership Chair shall maintain a roll of members and provide a copy to all Executive Committee Members.
Section 3.  The Political Action Leader(s) shall act on behalf of the Association with the MTA on all political activities and will be appointed by the President.
Article VIII: Committees
Section 1. The following committees shall be appointed by the President and subject to the approval of the Executive Board:  Membership, Scholarship, Negotiations, Sick Day Bank, Social Committee, In-Service Committee, Town Health Advisory Council Representative, Angel Fund, Sabbatical, and Mini-Grant Committee.  These committees shall be comprised of a member or members of the MREA.
Section 2. Other committees necessary for the effective execution of Association business shall be appointed by the President as the need arises.
Section 3. The negotiations committee shall negotiate in meeting with the School Committee on hours, wages, and working conditions including the instructional programs for all personnel in each bargaining Unit.  Upon reaching tentative agreement on all matters under negotiation, the team shall prepare and submit its report and recommendations to the members at a ratification meeting.  Procedures for ratification shall be developed by the Executive Board.
Article IX: Nominations and Elections
Section 1. A nomination committee appointed by the President shall bring in nominations for the various offices.  Nominations may also be made from the floor.
Section 2. The election of officers shall be by ballot at the annual meeting in the spring.
Section 3. The executive committee shall have the power to make all necessary rules for carrying out the election.
Article X: Meetings
Section 1. The Executive Board shall meet at least monthly during the school year on a schedule to be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 2. Special meetings may be held at the call of the President upon written request or by request of 5% of the members.  Business to come before the special meetings must be stated in the call, which shall be sent in writing to each staff Representative for notice.
Section 3. Quorum shall consist of a majority for Executive Board and Committees.  For general membership meetings the quorum shall be 40 members in good standing.
Section 4. The order of business shall be as follows, unless changed by a vote of those present:
1.    Opening remarks by the President
2.    Secretary's report, adoption of minutes, and the reading of correspondence
3.    Treasurer's report
4.    Reports of committees
5.    Unfinished business
6.    New business
Section 5. No meeting of the association (with the exception of a meeting for the ratification of a contract) may be called with a notification of less than three school days.
Section 6. There must be five school days notice prior to a meeting for the ratification of a contract.
Section 7. All balloting on contractual matters shall be a secret ballot.
Article XI: Amendments and Rules of Order
Section 1. The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at any regular meeting provided notice in writing shall be filed with the secretary ten days before the meeting.
Section 2. Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall be the authority of all rules of order.
Article XII: Finance
Section 1. The annual dues shall be those set by the NEA, MTA, and the Monomoy Regional Education Association.
Section 2. The Association shall pay the annual dues assessed by the state and national association on or before June 30th of each year.
Section 3. Association costs incurred by any officer or member of the Association will be reimbursed with the approval of the Executive Board upon receipt of an itemized bill and presence of proof of expense.  The treasurer will disburse said monies approved.
Section 4.An honorarium will be paid to actual officers and representatives in June, with the stipulation of those members attending a minimum of 80% attendance of the monthly meetings.  Each member who does not fulfill the 80% attendance will have 10% of their honorarium payment per unattended meeting deducted from their reimbursement.  Any officer and/or building representative that serves as a member of the negotiation team will receive an additional stipend/ honorarium.
Section 5. The officers and appointees of the Association shall receive an honorarium as follows:
President                $1900
Vice President(s)            $700
Secretary                $700
Treasurer                $1200
Building Representative(s)        $350
Web Administrator            $350
Negotiations                $350 (per negotiation)
Membership Chair            $350
Section 6. All employees will be on payroll deduction as long as said person is an employee of Monomoy Regional Public Schools.
Article XIII: Policies
Section 1. Ancillary expenditures.  To ensure the consistency of remembrances from the Association between buildings, the following procedures are suggested:
    1. Death: For the loss in the IMMEDIATE family of Association members a gift not to exceed $50.  For a deceased teacher who was a member of the Association, a memorial gift not to exceed $75.
    2. Members leaving or retiring will receive a gift from the Association valued at $25 for the first three years of service, and an additional $3 for each year of service beyond the first three.
Article XIV: Transition
To address transition from the Harwich Education Association and the Chatham Teachers Association to the regional association, the current executive boards will remain as members of the MREA executive board, and will address local contractual issues respectively until the spring election.  Current financial obligations will be addressed locally until June 30, 2012.